2024 WOG Theme Phrase: "Jesus is Better Than All!" (Scripture: The Book of Hebrews)


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 PROVERB : 21:25 The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.

Desire alone never has accomplished anything at anytime. To merely desire something be done without the ethic to work in order to see its fruition, is not godly, for God by both wisdom and power sees to it that all of His will comes to pass. Laziness is rebellion against the Divine intent and design of man, to reflect His character in the category of work. But Christ shows us the way. He was no sloth. He also rebuked men who were slothful, not merely physically, but spiritually, as were the Jewish religious leaders. He called men to count up the cost, to not look back, and to follow His life completely, being willing and ready to labour for the kingdom of God. May God remove from us the spirit of laziness and grant us not only the will but also the ability to do that which is according to His good pleasure.